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Monday, March 5, 2012

Types of Gal f's

There as many types of girlfriends as there are types of boyfriends.
Fortunately for you, we are not going to break them down according to their sun signs! We shall however, tell you more about the various kinds of girlfriends you are expected to come across in your dating life. Their nuances, their positives, their obvious negatives and why they could be just the one’s for you. So read on, and you might just discover your type in this list.

Recharge Your S E X L I F E


Have Fun

1. Get naked! Pour peppermint schnapps in her belly button. Sip it. Then kiss her breasts and blow on the spots you kissed. The peppermint schnapps and air will cause a cool sensation and heighten arousal, says Ava Cadell, Ph.D., a Los Angeles sex therapist.

Easy Ways to Lose Arm Fat


We are living in an age of obsessive fitness fads and introspecting our bodies forms a significant part of our overall thinking pattern.

However, rather than getting bogged down by over-hyped fitness trends and being critical of yourself, you need to find simple and effective solutions. Bodily issues like flabby arms or arm fat can make you feel insecure about your appearance. 

Please note that arm fat is an issue across all genders and not just women. Yes, flabby female arms might be looked upon as being unattractive but among men, it is associated with falling fitness levels and lowered virility.

Gym after a Long Break

Working out at gym

Wanna get back to the gym?  For many this would probably be much harder than Bangladesh beating Australia in cricket. 

Things to Avoid at Gym

Irrespective of you present status at the gym of being an enthusiastic starter or a seasoned bodybuilder,
there are some things you should stay away from at the gym:

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